SteriPOD - Mothercare
A fast paced 2 week project at Sheffield Hallam University, where my group of 3 was given a company and 'keyword' to design a new product for. I received Mothercare and 'protection'. I was heavily involved in the whole process from ideation to presentation.
Rapid Concept Generation
After researching the mothercare brand, and several of the leading competitor brands in this area, I began to quickly sketch rough ideas for a domestic baby bottle steriliser. While going through this process, I discovered that there is a gap in the market for a portable steriliser which parents can easily carry around with them. Hence, I suggested to my group that we develop such a product.
Product Development
After pooling together our ideas, we chose the most interesting concept and took it forward through development. To finalise the form and finish of the product, I produced a series of these 2D sketch renders. The highlight of the product is the collapsible mid-section, allowing the product to be carried around easily.
Concept Visualisation
Once the form and detailing was finalised, I produced a detailed 3D CAD model of the product in Solidworks, and produced a series of high quality visualisations using KeyShot 7. This image which I put together details the features of our product, steriPOD.
Product Presentation
The project culminated in me giving a 3 minute, pitch-style presentation of the project to my peers and tutors. I produced the above image to give a sense of context and scale to the product.
Overall it was a very interesting project, researching a field I had virtually no previous knowledge of; and being able to identify and justify the opportunity for this product in a fairly saturated market.